Brachydanio rerio와 Xiphophorus hellieri를 이용한 γ-BHC와 Chlorothalonil의 단기간 생물농축계수의 측정
Determination of Short-term Bioconcentration Factor on γ-BHC and Chlorothalonil in Brachydanio rerio and Xiphophorus hellieri
- 한국환경보건학회
- 1. 한국환경보건학회지
- 제24권 제4호
- : KCI우수등재
- 1998.12
- 124 - 130 (7 pages)
This study was performed to investigate the bioconcentration of chlorothalonil and γ-BHC in zebrafish(brachydanio rerio) and red sword tail(Xiphophorus hellieri). The fishes were exposed to 0.005 ppm, 0.010 ppm, one-hundredth concentration of 96-hrs LC₅₀ and one- thousandth concentration of 96-hrs LC₅₀ and test periods were 3, 5 and 8 days. The depuration rate of each pesticide from the whole body of fish was determined over the 72-hr period after treatment. Obtained results are summerized as follows: Chlorothalonil and γ-BHC concentration in fish extracts and BCFs of chlorothalonil and γ-BHC were increased as increasing test concentration and prolonging test period. In the case of same experimental concentrations, chlorothalonil and γ-BHC revealed same tendency. Determined chemical concentration in fish extract and BCF s of γ-BHC were higher than those of chlorothalonil and red sword tail was higher than those of zebrafish, under the same condition. Depuration rate constant of zebrafish was investigated 10 faster than that of red sword tail and depuraion rate constant of chlorothalonil was 2 faster than that of γ-BHC. Also, it is suggested that the flow through fish test(OECD guideline 305-E) on organochlorine pesticides will be proper test system because static fish test was to limit the experimental periods to 8 days and was not readily staic state in case of the chlorothalonil and γ-BHC.
I. 서론
II. 실험재료 및 방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결론