EPA methods used in the determination of waste metal content (SW846 Method 3050A and 7470A) were applied to the heavy metal analysis of herbal drugs to review the adequacy of those methods. Analyses of Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni and Co were accurate showing good recovery ranging from 88.3 to 110.3% of spiked amounts. Higher amount should be spiked for Fe, Mn and Zn measurements because original samples had very high contents of those elements. Duplicate experiments showed good precision for the determinations of Cu and Cd and poor precision for those of Zn and Fe. Calibration check sample obtained from the source other than calibration standards should be analysed immediately after calibration and after every ten sample measurement to confirm the calibration curve and to check the instrument stability. The EPA methods used in this study for the sample preparation of heavy metal analysis were proved to be accurate and precise as a whole. As used in advanced countries, quality control protocols including method detection level study, duplicate or replicate experiments, recovery tests should be routinely provided for the minimum of 5% samples (one out of 20 samples).
I. 서론
II. 분석보장 및 실험방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결론