최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI우수등재 학술저널

Composting 타당성 조사를 위한 Bench-Scale System

Bench-Scale System for Remediation Composting Feasibility Study

  • 17

Composting is an emerging remediation technology for soils contaminated with hazardous chemicals. Bench-scale composting system is an essential tool for researchers and engineers to study biochemical pathways for target contaminants and for preliminary feasibility and optimization studies. Sucessiful design and operation of the remediation composting requires careful consideration of numerous factors affecting the process. The factors can be devided into four classes; physical, chemical, biological and thermodynamical factors. Physical factors define the structure of compost matrix. Chemical factors consider the adequacy of substrates and the toxic effects of contaminants on the compost biomass. Biological factors define biodegradability and the biodegradation rate. Careful choice of a composting system with proper thermodynamical properties ensures the optimal thermophilic conditions. Our bench-scale composting system is 10l acrylic composting reactor with 30cm styroform insulation. This system could be enough to raise and maintain the heat generated from degrading organic substrates. The compost temperature, CO₂ generation and VS/NVS were useful as a tool for determining and evaulating the process of composting. We evaluated and selected the best combination of locally available amendments, bulking agents, and soils to be utilized in the composting technology for remediating contaminated soils.

I. 서론

II. 실험재료 및 방법

III. 결과 및 고찰

IV. 결론
