The purpose of this paper is to develop the implementation strategies for improving the management system of infectious wastes. At present the management system is controlled by several separate departments, causing inefficiency. I propose that the management system should be operated by one unified system. The suggestions made in this paper are as follows : 1. Only professional personnel who have been trained should be employed and be in charge of the management of disposal systems in the medical institutes above the hospital-level and treatment com panies as well. 2. The regional treatment system of the infectious wastes is needed for the efficiency of treatment and the reduction of the treatment expenses. 3. A multilevel system should be introduced for easy confirmation of proper treatment by the institutes which produced infectious wastes and by the management surveillance institutes as well. 4. A special management committee for managing infectious wastes which is composed of government officials, representatives of the source institutes, should be organized. They take the responsibility for establishing the legal and systematic methods for effective and reasonable management of the disposal system.
I. 緖論
II. 現況 및 問題點
III. 改善方案
IV. 結論