The photocatalytic degradation of humic acid which is precursor of trihalomethanes (THMs) formed after chlorination was carried out in aqueous suspensions of TiO₂ as photocatalyst by illumination with UV light. Comparison of UV photolysis, TiO₂ adsorption and UV/TiO₂ phtocatalysis as well as the effect of reaction conditions such as UV intensity, TiO₂ dosage and H₂O₂ concentration on the degradation of humic acid was examined. The major results of this study were as follows: 1. With both UV illumination and TiO₂ present, humic acid was more effectively degraded than UV or TiO₂ alone and degradation efficiency of humic acid by Photocatalysis was 76.2%. 2. Photocatalytic Degradation of humic acid increased linearly with increasing UV light intensity. 3. Degradation efficiency of humic acid increased with increasing TiO₂ dosage. However, over 2 gll of TiO₂ dosage, the efficiency was limited because UV light is blocked by catalyst itself. 4. Addition of H₂O₂ as oxidant enhanced the efficiency of photocatalytic degradation on humic acid but the degradation efficiency reached a plateau over 500 mgll of H₂O₂
I. 서론
II. 재료 및 방법
III. 결과 및 고찰
IV. 결론