This study aims to analyze learners criticism of post-editing to discusseducational implications and problems in Korean translation training. Inparticular, it encouraged learners to compare their own translation withmachine translation (Google translation) and post-editing translationresults, thereby enhancing their translation skills and providing practicaltranslation practices. The analysis shows that 68%of the Students regardedpost-editing as a process of translation and revision, and 23% as a revisionprocess. As for the reasons why post-editing felt difficult; 18% of thestudents said they did not knowwhat tomodify, 18%of themsaid they didnot knowArabic grammar, 18%of themsaid they did not have a better idea,20% of them said they were not familiar with the work itself, and 24% ofthemsaid they did not have the necessary range of Arabic vocabulary. TheResearch finding shows that Arabic translation learners carried outpost-editing focusing on sentence restructuring, vocabulary, meaning, andthe use of personal pronouns. Post-editing practice allows universitystudent learners educational opportunities to think about varioustranslation possibilities in the process ofwriting post-editing reviews and italso can give unique opportunities to enjoy the translation learning process.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 기계번역과 포스트에디팅
Ⅲ. 연구결과
Ⅳ. 결론