The purpose of this study is to reconsider TOEIC learning methods so that TOEIC learners can have fluent English speaking skills through TOEIC learning, considering that many universities in Korea have a high demand for TOEIC classes, including English-related subjects, and that TOEIC scores are required for employment after college. In this paper, we reconsider TOEIC learning methods by analyzing English prepositions based on the theoretical background of cognitive grammar in terms of cognitive linguistics. The form of Korean translation for English prepositions could be found by comparing and analyzing English sentences and Korean translation sentences used in various English sentences in TOEIC textbooks through cognitive grammar theory. Therefore, this paper expects to help TOEIC learners in a positive direction by presenting TOEIC learning methods for fluency in English speaking through a prepositional analysis process on cognitive grammar to avoid confusion that TOEIC learners experience in TOEIC learning.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 본론
Ⅲ. 결론