최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널


On the system of compensation for mental damage in breach of contract in the civil code

DOI : 10.22397/wlri.2021.37.2.215
  • 8

위약책임 중 정신손해배상청구의 가능여부는 여태껏 우리나라의 쟁론대상이였다. <<민법전>> 반포이전 정신손해배상문제는 우리나라 민사제도상 불법행위법의 범주에서 다루어졌다. 계약법상 위약행위로 인한 정신손해배상청구에 대하여서는 명확한 규정을 두지 않고 있었다. 사법실천상 다수의 판례도 정신손해배상을 위약책임의 범주에 귀속시키지 않았다. <<민법전>>은 정신손해배상제도에 대하여 중대한 개변을 하였는 바 제996조에서는 위약정신손해배상제도를 규정하였다. 즉 위약행위가 일방 당사자의 인격권을 침해하여 엄중한 정신손해를 조성할 시 피해자가 위약책임에 대한 청구는 위약일방에 대한 정신손해배상청구를 제한하지 않는다고 규정하였다. 여기서 <<정신손해해상청구를 제한하지 않는다>>를 어떻게 이해하는가는 우리가 위약손해배상책임의 적용전제, 배상범위등 문제에서 해석해볼 필요가 있다.

It has always been controversial in our country whether mental damages can be claimed in the liability for the breach of contracts.Before the promulgation of the Civil Code of China, the civil law of our country stipulates that the compensation for mental damage is within the scope of the tort liability law.There are no clear provisions in contract law as to whether mental damages can be claimed for the breach of contracts.Nor is mental damages included in most cases in judicial practice in liability for the breach of contract.The Civil Code has brought great changes to the compensation system for mental damages, which stipulates the compensation system for mental damages by default in Article 996 of the Civil Code.That is, when the breach of contracts damages a party s right to personality, the injured party claims that the breach of contracts does not affect its claim to the breach party for compensation for mental damages.How to understand the “no impact” here is worth examining from the perspective of the applicable conditions and the scope of compensation for mental damages. &#36829;&#32422;&#36131;任中能否&#35831;求精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;在我&#22269;一直存在&#20105;&#35758;。我&#22269;《民法典》&#39041;布之前&#23545;于精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;&#38382;&#39064;,我&#22269;的民事法律制度上&#23558;其&#35268;定&#20026;侵&#26435;&#36131;任法的范&#30068;&#20869;。在合同法上&#23545;于因&#36829;&#32422;行&#20026;能否&#35831;求精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;&#24182;&#27809;有明&#30830;&#35268;定。司法&#23454;&#36341;中多&#25968;案例也&#24182;&#27809;有&#23558;精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;包含在&#36829;&#32422;&#36131;任范&#30068;&#24403;中。&#23545;于精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;制度,《民法典》做出了重大改&#21464;,在《民法典》第996&#26465;中&#35268;定了&#36829;&#32422;精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;制度。&#21363;&#36829;&#32422;行&#20026;&#25439;害了一方&#24403;事人的人格&#26435;造成&#20005;重精神&#25439;害&#26102;,受害方主&#24352;&#36829;&#32422;&#36131;任不影&#21709;其向&#36829;&#32422;方主&#24352;精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;。&#36825;里的“不影&#21709;”&#24212;如何理解&#20540;得我&#20204;&#20174;&#36829;&#32422;精神&#25439;害&#36180;&#20607;的适用&#26465;件、&#36180;&#20607;范&#22260;等角度&#30740;究。





