미용실기교사의 비언어적 커뮤니케이션이 교육만족도와 수업태도에 미치는 영향
A Study on the Effect of Nonverbal Communication on Education Satisfaction and Learning Attitudes by Beauty treatment teacher
- 한국인체미용예술학회
- 한국인체미용예술학회지
- 한국인체미용예술학회지 제22권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2021.06
- 35 - 51 (17 pages)
The purpose of this study is to find the effects of nonverbal communication of beauty teachers on class satisfaction and learning attitudes in beauty specialized high schools. For this study, a total of 506 second-to third-grade students attending beauty education high schools in Seoul, Incheon, and Daejeon were studied from March 2, 2020 to April 3, 2020. As a result of the study, male students showed a higher learning attitude, which is affected by the nonverbal communication of beauty treatment teachers at beauty high schools. Body language, a nonverbal communication factor for beauty treatment teachers, has been found to significantly affect class satisfaction. Physical appearance, a nonverbal communication factor for beauty treatment teachers, has been found to affect learning attitude. Therefore, efforts should be made to efficiently achieve the educational goals and the learners personal goals by creating trust among learners through the non-verbal communication of beauty treatment teachers and to develop educational methods that can improve class satisfaction.
Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과
Ⅴ. 논의
Ⅵ. 결론