The Analysis of Social Music Platform and its Influence towards Independent Musicians
- 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회
- 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 학술대회자료집
- 2016년 동계학술대회 자료집
- 2016.12
- 101 - 106 (6 pages)
The development of media technology encouraged global independent musicians to be active on social music platforms, such as SoundCloud and Spotify, to promote their music. It is not only the route where musicians can communicate with others in music industry, but it also has become an enthusiastic supporter. Some of the social music platforms contribute financial support and provide opportunities for the independent musicians. There are frequent cases of independent musicians succeeded in gaining worldwide fame earlier than their official debut due to their active and consistent use of social music platforms. The effectiveness of promoting music through social music platform can be proven by exploring renowned musicians who have become well-known firstly from social media. Analyzing the current music consumption status of various social music platforms will confirm the fact that social music platform is an exceptional space where global musicians and listeners can effectively share their musical interests.
1. Introduction
2. Analysis of Social Music Platforms
3. Effectiveness on Independent Music Promotion
4. Innovative and Engaging Opportunities
5. Conclusion