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커버이미지 없음

兒童虐待의 實態 및 豫防策에 관한 考察

Reality of Children abuse and Consideration on Preventive Countermeasure

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Humans are protected in terms of their dignity and value as humans from the birth. That is, children cannot be exceptions from the protection of human rights. Abuses are infringements of rights by others and cannot be justified except for acts within the scope permitted by the law. Therefore, exercises of parental rights or disciplinary acts going out of the permitted scopes become abuses and subject to punishments. In fact, in our country, perceptions of abusing behaviors, public relations about abuses, laws regulating abuses, dedicated organizations or educational organizations in relation to abuses and cooperation of governmental organizations are insufficient. However, preventive education against abuses on children, preventive education programs of various organizations provided to adults and cooperation systems with dedicated organizations and cooperative organizations are indispensable. Since abuses are not the problem of the abused children and their families but a problem that must be perceived by all the people and the actions should be taken by all the people and this implies the importance of a lot of public relations and cooperative relationships among cooperation systems. Children abuses must be eradicated by all means.

Ⅰ. 序論

Ⅱ. 兒童人權과 兒童虐待의 槪念

Ⅲ. 兒童虐待의 原因과 實態現況

Ⅳ. 兒童虐待에 대한 豫防策

Ⅴ. 結論
