최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

국가폭력과 인권침해

Nation violence and human rights violations

  • 146

In this paper, Chun du han dominated period violence and human rights aspects of the countries discussed. In particular, Chun-singunbu ruling the country in the process of illegal violence is inherent in the State Emergency Committee (hereinafter gukbowi), national defense, including the repression of the Legislative Council and boansa organizations and institutions, including the background of nation violence, laws, and focusing will be discussed. The network of nation violence to justify violence as the dominant ideology of communism and the Red complex mobilization, omnipotent force of the National Security system and run the body as a concrete ‘NamSan’, repressed by the people through the process of socialization agree leading educational institutions, ideology and propaganda and to spread reactionary conservative media, to cater to the power of sunflower older intellectuals ‘cartels food chain’ was composed. To us with a force of past military dictatorship that forces loyal to the past nation violence committed against themselves and chamhoehan never really apologized. Just simply put the past behind is not all of the national unity. National unity is the true perpetrator of a truly penitent for past mistakes and are forgiven by Truth and Reconciliation in the way of cooperation is advancing.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 제5공화국(전두환정권) 출범 前史

Ⅲ. 전두환 신군부 집권과정의 불법성과 국가폭력의 내재

Ⅳ. 전두환 정권의 국가폭력의 전개와 인권침해

Ⅴ. 맺음말
