최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음

경찰 법집행을 위한 제주자치경찰과 국가경찰의 역할 검토

Reviewing the Roles of the National and Jeju Special Self-governing Province Police to make sure Policing

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As the first self-governing police in the country, Jeju police perform their works to attain a major goal of police administration such like services for their local people and protection of tourists. Futhermore, to be more suitable for the situations of Jeju than the national police which do strong controls, they are based on the kindness to be accessible to the localties. In addition, they persue for establishing safe Jeju by offering policing services to be appropriate for local areas, so Jeju special province makes much efforts to make sure such a safety. In short, based on kind services to the localities rather than curbing, it is trying to represent the image of the Jeju police as easily approaching ones to their local people. 16) The police have an object of guaranteeing the safe society by protecting the life and property of the people. Thus, in order to achieve their original purpose, Jeju needs to review again the roles of the national police and its self-governing one. The police should assure the safe society by supplying policing services that are proper for the local conditions. Therefore, to insure policing of Jeju, this study analyses the roles of current police affairs to know how the relation between the national and Jeju autonomous police should direct and suggests the ideas to build up the roles.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 제주자치경찰의 사무

Ⅲ. 제주자치경찰과 국가경찰의 역할

Ⅳ. 제주자치경찰과 국가경찰과의 역할 정립

Ⅴ. 맺는말
