최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

12세기 중엽 金의 국가구조와 화북 지배

The Rule over North China of Jin Dynasty in the Mid-12th Century

DOI : 10.46823/cahs.2021.53.249
  • 182

Jin Dynasty ruled in a very tyrannical manner under the leadership of Zhan-han shortly after the capture of North China. Jin s army did not hesitate to commit atrocities from the point of entry into North China, and even after the occupation, he remained in a coercive position over the Chinese people. Even traditional Chinese clothing was not recognized. The reign of Xi Zong and Hai-ling was a period when chaos and turbulence subsided and control gradually stabilized. During this period, Jin Dynasty s rule over North China adopted a Chinese style of governance instead of its initial violent and coercive appearance. Thus, policies to protect agriculture and commerce began to be taken. Measures have also been taken to win over public sentiment. Based on this stability of domination, Shi-zong ascended the throne, and the so-called The Rule of Dading took place after the 1160s. With Shi-zong s ascension in the mid-12th century, the rule of North China was a major turnaround. The key to that was revealed in the state s measures against the poverty of Meng-an Mou-kepple. Shi- zong initially adopted a plan to isolate Meng-an Mou-ke people and Chinese people. However, he soon acknowledged the reality and decided to gradually allow tenant farming on land owned by Meng-an Mou- kepple. This also established a perception within the ruling group that Chinese farmers supported Jin Dynasty financially.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 북송의 멸망과 초기의 화북 통치

Ⅲ. 중국적 통치 방식의 채용

Ⅳ. 世宗의 즉위와 지배 방식의 변용

Ⅴ. 맺음말
