최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

『鄕約通變』에 나타난 홍중삼의 鄕約觀

Hong Jung Sam’s Perspective on Hyangyak seen in Hyangyak Tongbyeon - focusing on the section of Juhyeonhyangyak

DOI : 10.46823/cahs.2021.53.8010
  • 233

In the 17th century, the Joseon government implemented a system of immunity and distribution of five household system (五家統事目) as part of strengthening the control of rural communities in order to overcome the social discipline of rural communities that were devastated by Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 (壬辰倭亂) and the Invasion of the Manchu war of 1636 (丙子胡亂). This led to the emergence of Juhyeon Hyangyak (州縣鄕約) in which the principal of the hyangyak in the rural society was local literati (在地士族) and the chief of the coffin was the center. During this time, Hong Jung-sam wrote Juhyeon Hyangyak (州 縣鄕約) of Hyangyak Tongbyeon (鄕約通變). The Juhyeon Hyangyak that he describes was based on the Seowon Hyangyak (西原鄕約) of Yulgok, the pioneer of Juhyeon Hyangyak, but the last item of Juhyeon Hyangyak. It has the characteristic that it includes the seven details necessary for a leader to rule a rural society, such as the magistrate’s seven duties (守令七事), namely, land service tax (田政), forced labor (制賦)·military service tax (軍政)·state granary system (糶糴)·relief system (賑恤)·lawsuits system (決訟)·agriculture of mulberry tree (種桑). In particular, Hong Jung-sam lives in Asan, the Hoseo region, and directly experiences the suffering of the people in the rural society of the 17th century, and as a leader, he presents detailed examples of solutions. These contents are described in the Imgwanjeongyo (臨官政 要) written by Sunam Ahn Jungbok (1712-1791), a Silhak (實學) scholar in the late Joseon Dynasty, in the 21st chapter of Sijo, agriculture of mulberry tree (農桑)·military service tax (軍政)·forced labor (賦役)· land service tax (田政)·state granary system (糶糴)·relief system (賑 恤)·civil lawsuits (詞訟). It appears as it is transcribed in the seven details of the chapter. This had a profound impact not only on Sunam, but also on Dasan Jeong Yak-yong ideologically and academically.

Ⅰ. 서언

Ⅱ. 17세기 향촌지배의 강화와 「五家統事目」 반포

Ⅲ. 「주현향약」의 구성 및 운영

Ⅳ. 「주현향약」의 성격

Ⅴ. 결언
