The main idea of this paper is that a completed A-movement does not feed any further movement. The apparent A-movement-fed A -movement is an independent operation separate from the A-movement. This means that an element that is to move for A-related reasons should undergo the movement in question at the point where its A -movement is executed. If an element A -moves without the A-movement that otherwise is carried out in parallel, there is no chance for it to undergo A-movement with the relevant cycle closed. When a subject wh-element is ready to A -move to the relevant Spec-C, while Spec-INFL is occupied by another stranger, the entire derivation will be crashed with its Case-shift (in this case, to Spec-INFL) blocked, though the subject wh-element can move to Spec-C. We will see in this paper that existential there-constructions with wh-subject provide typical examples of such a case.
1. Introduction
2. Chain Uniformity and improper movement
3. Radical Chain Uniformity and Parallel Movement
4. Wh-movement in there-constructions
5. Conclusion