최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Topic Continuity: Zero Anaphora and Case Marker Ellipsis

  • 4

This study investigates how topic continuity is realized in colloquial Korean when zero anaphora or case marker dropping is involved. It also discusses when the case marker dropping is possible and when it is not possible, as well as how Korean speakers process utterances that involve instances of zero anaphora or case marker dropping. It argues that the use and non-use of zero anaphora or case marker is closely related to the discourse continuity, i.e. the more continuous the discourse topic (or referent) is, the less overt linguistic expression is necessary.

1. Introduction

2. Topic Continuity and Zero Anaphora

3. Topic Continuity and Case Marker Ellipsis

4. Conclusion
