최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

제 2 언어로서의 한국어 듣기에 있어 어휘 분포의 영향

Lexical effect on spoken word recognition of native and non-native speakers of Korean

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The present work investigated whether non-native Korean listeners employ two types of lexical information such as word frequency and neighborhood density in their spoken word recognition process. Korean single syllable words recorded by a native speaker of Korean were presented to both native and non-native speakers of Korean in an auditory lexical decision task. Correct response rates and response time (RT) were measured in the task. The experimental result showed native listeners of Korean made use of a competitive effect of neighborhood density and a facilitative effect of word frequency. Non-native listeners were also influenced by word frequency and neighborhood density although they were affected in a different manner when they recognize Korean. In non-native perception of Korean, neighborhood density played a facilitative effect in high frequency words, while it has a competitive effect on the recognition of low frequency words.

1. 서 론

2. 어휘부의 분포상의 변인과 L2 언어 학습자의 듣기: 왜 주변어휘 밀집도와 빈도수 인가?

3. 실험 설계와 실험 절차

4. 실험 결과

5. 결론
