최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

On Postposition Pied Piping and Stranding in Subjectless Cleft Constructions of Korean

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This paper investigates what we call subjectless cleft constructions in Korean, which have also been named as fragment or remnant constructions (cf. J.-S. Kim (1997); B.-S. Park (2004)). We note that there is a distinction between information- and contrast-focused remnants in terms of retention of a postposition attached to them. We attribute this distinction between them to the referential properties of overt and covert subject of the constructions at issue.

1. Introduction

2. Postposition stranding in the SC construction

3. Two possible analyses: Pied piping, stranding and repair-by-ellipsis

4. Towards an alternative analysis: referential properties of overt and covert subjects

5. Summary and conclusion
