The purpose of this paper is to reexamine the semantic differences between the two types of adverbial forms in Korean: the -i type adverbs and the -key type adverbials. Although we believe that the latter might be a misnomer in that it is not exactly an adverb, but rather still an adjective, we use the term in this paper for convenience. This paper claims that the -i type adverbs are syntactically real adverbs that take the whole event as their complements, while the -key type adverbials are not adverbs but rather the predicates of the subjects and objects. In short, -i ending forms function as adverbs while -key ending forms are predicates. Adopting this theory, we try to show that we can explain why one or the other form is preferred or allowed in some context. We will provide explanations for the distribution of these two forms that Hong (2005) reports.
1. 머리말
2. 어휘적 부사와 통사적 부사의 상보적 분포
3. 어휘적 부사형과 통사적 부사형의 실현 양상
5. 결론