This paper discusses how a feature-checking theory of movement (Chomsky 2000, 2001) along with the feature inheritance hypothesis (Chomsky 2008) fails, and proposes and motivates a non-feature-checking theory of movement --- a non-deterministic theory of movement. The feature inheritance hypothesis has been the last major support for a feature-checking theory of movement. It will be shown, however, that given the motivation of the general theory of merge (Chomsky 2008), the feature inheritance hypothesis cannot be motivated; hence, a feature-checking theory of movement along with the feature inheritance hypothesis cannot be maintained.
1. Failure of Feature-Checking Theory of Movement
2. A Theory of Merge
3. Feature Inheritance Hypothesis
4. Interpretive Effects in place of Feature-Checking
5. Merge Theory and Interpretive Effects
6. The Nature of Interpretive Effects
7. The Notion of Agree Interpreted
8. Conclusion