최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Binding and chain-binding in Anaphora in Korean and Chinese

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This paper aims to explore the monomorphemic reflexivization in Korean and Chinese, considering that the monomorphemic anaphors in these languages show distinct properties not exhibited by anaphors in such European languages as Icelandic and Italian. This paper proposes an account of Subject Orientation for the two kinds of subject orientation in monomorphemic anaphora in these two languages based on binding and chain-binding. It also proposes an LF Condition on Chain-binding to account for the nonavailability of an object as an antecedent for the Chinese anaphor. It is proposed that, a DP can chain-bind a monomorphemic reflexive iff all the memebers of that reflexive s chain have φ-features. This paper further investigates into the phenomenon of the blocking effect of the Chinese monomorphemic reflexive with no inherent φ-features and has found that it follows from LF Spec-head agreement. The absence of the blocking effect for the Korean monomorphemic reflexives is attributed to the fact that they have inherent φ-features.

1. Introduction

2. The Monomorphemic Anaphors in Korean and Chinese

3. Monomorphemic Reflexivization in Chinese and Korean

4. Conclusion
