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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

초기현대영어의 핵 이동과 자질의 강도

  • 8

The Purpose of the present study is to discuss various types of Head movements found in Early Modern English (EME, henceafter), especially from one of the Shakespearean works, Julius Caesar (1599) and to provide empirical evidence for a successive cyclic Head movement in EME (V0-to-T0-to-C0 movement), supported many scholars including Han (2001, Radford 1997, 2004) rather than a one-fell-swoop fashion movement of V0-to-C0 advocated in van Gelderen (2000). In her illuminating and insightful work, Gelderen argues that the lack of V0-to-T0 movement is attributed to the presence of C0. This paper, however, based on some counterexamples of EME, argues that the weakening of strength of Function Head T0 (rather than the presence of C0) is responsible for the lack of V0-to-T0 movement. Yet and however, the EME imperatives suggest that a one-fell-swoop movement of V0-to-C0 should also be possible, assuming that C0 is the locus of illocutionary feature [+imp], a kind of semantic/pragmatic feature that affects the clausal architecture. If the present analysis is on the right track, then this paper provides evidence that CP is responsible for encoding the discourse information and Clausal Typing, whereas TP is for the Subject-Verb Agreement and Tense marking, as suggested in Chomsky(1995, 2002, 2004, 2005).

1. 서론

2. 초기현대영어(EME)의 핵 이동

3. EME 핵 이동은 연속 순환적

4. 결론 및 제언
