최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

현대국어 연결어미 ‘-면서’에 관한 고찰

  • 121

This paper aims at discussing the formation process of connecting ending -myenseo indicating simultaneous state and which can be substituted with -myeo. The -myenseo and -myeo can be freely replaced with each other in modern Korean, except in several special cases. Even though the formation of -myenseo is related with -myeseo, this paper discussed that the -myenseo , instead of simple addition of ‘-n’ to -myeseo, is related with the -myen which is an indicator of [condition]. First, the usage of -myenseo in modern Korean was divided into three categories of [simultaneity, starting point, opposition]. And in this paper it was investigated the syntactic grammatical information, semantic information, and discussed whether the locations of preceding and succeeding clauses can be replaced with each other. While the -myeo had the meaning of simultaneity only, the meaning of [starting point] was added when it became the -myeseo . When becoming to -myenseo , the meaning of [opposition] appeared. The formation process of -myenseo can be explained as follows: The -myeo indicating simultaneity is combined with the -seo indicating sustainment to form the -myeseo which obtains the semantic function of [starting point]. Then, the -myeo of simultaneity is combined with the topic marker, in which the formation of preceding clause is presupposed due to the presence of -myeon indicating [condition], and the -myenseo mentioning the behavior of succeeding clause comes to get the semantic function of [opposition]. A similar process can be found in the formation of while in English.

1. 문제제기

2. 현대국어에서의 ‘-며’와 ‘-면서’의 문법적 특징

3. ‘-면서’의 형성과정

4. 맺음말
