최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

The Korean Light Verb Construction: Conspiracy Between Mixed Categories and Argument Transfer

  • 14

The Korean Light Verb Construction has been assumed to contain a thematically light verb that inherits arguments from its nominal complement. In this paper, building on Choi and Wechsler (2001), I argue that the light verb must q-mark its subject that in turn controls the unexpressed subject of the verbal noun. In addition, I show various evidence for both argument transfer and mixed categories and suggest that Korean light verb constructions provide the right environment for both to occur. Finally, I show that this idea can be elegantly formalized and operated in HPSG feature regime.

1. Introduction

2. Previous Analyses

3. An Argument Transfer and Mixed Category Approach

4. Case and HPSG formalization

5. Conclusion
