This paper explores the properties of the functional category T and the feature checking of T in English clauses, especially ordinary finite clauses and to-infinitive clauses. The traditional assumption is that T in English is specified as either [+tense, +agr] or [-tense, -agr], and the EPP feature has been dealt with as a separate issue. However, I propose that there is [+tense, -agr] in English as well as [+tense, +agr] and [-tense, -agr]. Moreover, capturing the close relation between the EPP feature and [+tense], I propose that [+tense] has an ancillary EPP feature to be checked, i.e., [+tense]EPP T requires a subject-like element in its specifier position. In Chomsky s(1998, 1999, 2001) framework, when agreement occurs between [+agr] T and NP with an ancillary Case, the Case of NP is checked in the course of derivation. In a parallel way, [+tense] has an ancillary EPP as in [+tense]EPP. In this paper, T in English is specified as [+tenseEPP, +agr], [+tenseEPP, -agr], and [-tense, -agr]. No other stipulation is needed and this explains the syntactic phenomena such as υP ellipsis and υP preposing.
1. Introduction
2. Basic Issues
3. Basic Assumptions and an Alternative Proposal
4. Conclusion