최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

Extraction from Nominals: Phase Impenetrability Condition vs. Cyclic Linearization

  • 3

This paper explores a governing condition on the extraction from nominals. In Korean, a possessor nominal that has inalienable possession relation to its possessum can undergo movement from the big constituent containing both possessor and possessum nominals. Interestingly, extraction from the possessive is not always allowed. Unlike inalienable possessors, inalienable possessums cannot undergo movement. Recent work by Cho (2002) suggests that the movement restriction imposed on inalienable possessums is a consequence of the phase impenetrability condition (PIC). However, some previously-unknown examples in Korean fragments show that the PIC-based analysis may not be on the right track. In a fragment a possessum nominal seems to undergo extraction from the possessive constituent. Hence, I will make an alternative analysis of possessor and possessum asymmetries. The analysis advanced here extends to extraction asymmetries between caseless numeral post-nominal quantifiers and their associated nominals.

1. Introduction

2. Structural Asymmetry between Possessors and their Possessums

3. Post-nominal Quantifiers and Cyclic Linearization

4. Concluding Remarks
