It is shown in this paper that multiple Case constructions in Korean induce obligatory overt A- and A’-movements in parallel (Chomsky 2005), which are due to the inherent nature of multiple Case constructions; specifically, overt A-movement is induced for the obligatory output effects of ‘defective’ Agree (Chomsky 2001), which I claim is crucially involved in the derivation of multiple Case constructions, and that the obligatory overt A’-movement is induced to avoid the inherent violation of the Distinctness Condition (Richards 2003) by the multiple Case construction. The ‘defective’ Agree necessary for the derivation of multiple Case constructions is naturally extended to the notion of Secondary Agree for the deeper characterization of multiple Case constructions. The obligatory overt A’-movements induced to avoid the violation of the Distinctness Condition lead to an explanatory account of the obligatory focus and intervention effects of multiple Case constructions. The property of obligatory overt A- and A’-movements in parallel for multiple Case constructions leads to a unifying account for the multiple interpretive functions of all multiple Case constructions, such as the Major Subject Construction, Experiencer Subject Construction, Locative Subject Construction, Temporal Subject Construction, Adverbial Subject Construction, Dative Object Construction, various Case stacking Constructions, etc., in Korean.
1. The Puzzles of Multiple Case Constructions
2. A movement Properties
3. A’movement Properties
4. A- and A’-movements in Parallel
5. Further Applications of Secondary Agree
6. Cross-linguistic Applications of Secondary Agree
7. Conclusion