The concerns of this paper are twofold. The first is whether repair strategies like deletion or insertion as Last Resort are effective in explaining the that-t effect. The second and major concern of this paper is to propose a novel approach that is based on the phase extension idea of den Dikken (2006, 2007). For this, various Last Resort strategies that have been explored in the generative grammar tradition are critically reviewed. Based on this criticism, a new approach to the that-t effect is proposed. A that-t sequence violates the PIC if extraction proceeds from a non-phase-edge position. The anti-that-t effect is also explained under the same rubric if it is assumed that phasehood is not extended to CP due to a weak dependency between T and C. If TP is a phase, then extraction out of its Spec does not violate the PIC. Consequences of the proposal regarding the Adverb Effect and no that-t effect in some languages are also discussed under the phase extension proposal.
1. Introduction
2. Last Resort Approaches
3. Proposal: A Phase Extension Approach to the That-t Effect
4. Consequences
5. Conclusion