최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

영어 조건도치 구문에 대한 제약기반 이론적 분석

A Constraint-Based Approach to English Conditional Inversion Constructions

  • 17

English conditional constructions can be realized as inverted ones, but the question remains what trigger the inversion and what kind of differences exist between the canonical and inverted conditional constructions. This paper supports the claim that the constructions are basically motivated by the information structure while inheriting general properties from the more general constructions, SAI (Subject-Aux-Inversion) ones.

1. 들어가기

2. 조건도치 구문의 문법적 속성

3. 제약기반이론 분석 연구

4. 결론
