최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

왜 의문사는 후보충되지 않는가?

Why are WH-After-Thoughts Impossible?

  • 32

Korean has so-called after-thought or right dislocation constructions. But wh-words can not be the target of the construction. This paper proposes that the ban on wh-after-thought arises from PF side, especially sentence final intonation. If wh-words are after-thought, the sentence final ending C requires y/n-question sentence final intonation but the Ω head which is onto C projection and hosts after-thought wh-words requires wh-question sentence final intonation. So, the sentence final intonation (= C intonation + Ω intonation) has paradoxical information and the expression crashes at PF. This proposal naturally can be extended to describe the grammatical variation which says that some speakers accept wh-after-thought as grammatical when some, but not all, wh-words are after-thought in multiple wh-constructions. The main point is that there is some variation on whether all wh-words must match with sentence final intonation or not.

1. 서론

2. 의문사 후보충의 범위

3. 의문사 후보충 제약과 일치

4. 다중 의문사 의문문과 의문사 후보충
