The primary purpose of this paper is to show the syntactic structure of reduplicative copula is is constructions found in recent speeches. Perhaps it should be regarded as a pleonasm, a kind of repetition. But the advantage of analyzing it from the perspective of syntax becomes clear when we derive the structure based on recent syntactic assumptions. The non-standard structure of pseudo-cleft structure, whP is is that ... can be interpreted as being the product of unpacking the topic phrase in C-domain, while leaving the focus phrase in vP domain. The linking of the two phrases is manifested by the reduplication of BE, the first one being the Case marker, the second one being the focus marker inserted late.
1. 서론
2. 초점책략과 Wh-분열문의 구조
3. BE동사구문의 구조와 중첩의 생성
4. 결론