Old English(OE) exhibits Verb-Second phenomenon(V2), which means that the fronting of some constituent often leads to V-to-C movement. One noticeable fact about V2 phenomenon is that there could be exceptional case to the V2 orders according to the properties of the subject. In other words, V3 orders generally occur if the subject is a pronoun. In this paper I try to speculate the explanation of these phenomena regarding V2/V3 with t-feature checking instantiated by Pesetsky & Torrego (2000, 2004). This t-feature checking approach is shown to have the advantage of capturing the difference between V2 and V3 constructions in Old English and of shedding light on some additional issues such as the loss of verb movement and languages changes in general.
1. 서론
2. V2이동과 인칭대명사
3. V2이동의 원인과 상실
4. V2이동의 상실
5. 결론