Boeckx s (2004) RP-Chain approach was applied to several controversial scrambling structures which Saito (2003) intends to solve in terms of {D}-feature deletion in scrambled element. The resumptive approach to scrambling in Boeckx (2004) captures the core properties of scrambling, showing conceptual superiority to the alternatives. But for PUC satisfaction in CIS, Kitahara s T-option should be incorporated in scrambling driven by Φ-feature in Korean (Japan). LDS can be applied to RP-Chain theory straightly. For anaphor binding in scrambling, Anywhere Condition which was also used in Saito (2003) should be employed since Φ-feature or {D}-feature activates anaphor binding.(Catholic University of Daegu).
1. Introduction
2. Some Remarks on Scrambling
3. Resumptive-Chain and Scrambling
4. Derivational Interpretation of Scrambling-Chain
5. Concluding Remarks