Some people in the linguistic community appear to believe that it is far better to base one s analysis of language on real (attested) data or corpora rather than on introspective data or “contrived (made-up)” data. Some of them go so far as to suggest that corpus linguistics should be an alternative to the generative paradigm of linguistic research in the Chomskyan tradition. The purpose of this paper is to show that corpus linguistics, as it stands now, cannot be a substitute for the Chomskyan line of language studies even though it is admitted that corpora can be useful resources for research conducted in such linguistic disciplines as lexicography, dialectology, historical linguistics, and language pedagogy. English corpora, for example, may be of some help to those researchers who are not native speakers of English, but they, in and of themselves, cannot make much contribution towards investigating the nature of linguistic phenomena such as the tough- construction in English, for instance.
1. 서 론
2. 문법과 문법 연구
3. 코퍼스와 코퍼스 언어학
4. Tough-구문 분석과 코퍼스 언어학
5. 요약 및 결론