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KCI등재 학술저널

Some Notes on Holmberg s Generalization

In this paper, we concern ourselves to the development of analyses of OS with respect to Holmberg s Generalization (HG). Since Holmeberg s (1986) original formulation of HG was basically dependent upon the Case theoretic account, early minimalist approaches to OS had been misled in that OS had been treated as an A-movement. However, Chomsky (2001) and Holmeberg (1999) have tried to reflect the non-A-movement properties of OS, and have achieved certain desirable results. We will propose a new proposal for OS with some modification and revision of their accounts. Our proposal will prove to have some validity in explaining some troublesome data of OS constructions.

1. Introduction

2. Earlier Approaches to Object Shift

3. Is Icelandic OS a Syntactic Movement?

4. A Proposal

5. Conclusion
