On 20 prairial Year II(1973), Robespierre celebrated the Festival of Supreme-Being. Its political purpose was the exclusion of the Festival of the Reason that the Sans Culottes were celebrating and the establishment of the foundation of the Republic by achieving a social unity. That purpose seemed to be achieved by David who planned the Festival of the Supreme-Being. He emphasized the harmony and the benefits of the nature in it. But It could not solve a political conflict, and in the end failed for the indifference of the people. Because It did not arouse people s participation by emphasizing only a political purpose.
Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 민중 협회의 이성의 축제
Ⅲ. 로베스피에르의 <플로레알 18일 보고서>
Ⅳ. 최고존재의 축제: 조직화된 자연주의
Ⅴ. 맺음말