최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

영국 초기 치안판사 연구(1285-1485)

A Study on the Early Justice of the Peace(1285-1485)

  • 29

After the late period of Middle ages England historical characteristics are rise of Commons and representative proposal formation of the Parliament. The system that a many local representative participates in the central government is a process to carry out by system a few management from contents expansion and the royal authority side of a governmental authority. After the half of 14th century dismantling of a manor was proceeded in England for all over the country. And a governmental authority is newly organized according to dismantling trend of a manor in a country. This paper is to consider a formation process of these times justice of the peace (치안판사)system. How was an England governmental authority organized through development of representative Parliament in a country for this? Are there centralization and introduction of bureaucracy in the Parliament and what kind of relation? This paper is going to make clear what kind of motive proceeded with progress of these system managements. A national unique function is to secure social rest in a national aspect. Therefore;history of a punishment and deep relation have naturally a construction process of a national system. This has this fortunes told in this paper as connecting a punishment system to an all national authority;and this must indicate system more definitely on a concrete organization of an public peace security.


Ⅰ. 치안판사제도의 도입

Ⅱ. 관할

Ⅲ. 치안재판관단

