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KCI등재 학술저널

역사학에서 바라본 역사 드라마

On historical drama from the viewpoint of historical science

  • 87

Most people want to get pleasure from a historical drama. It s not that they believe the history of the past, but that they want to think it in connection with present things. A high program rating about the historical drama shows this very well. The reason why people have high interest in it is that they d like to understand the present from the past and they want to show their eager desire for the past on the basis of the present. From these things, we can know the role of historical drama. The historical drama must not be made to reappear or reproduce the history of the past. On the contrary, we can look into the history of the past at present time and interpret it to have meaning. It′s not until the role of historical dramas that we know above things are preceded. Therefore, I think producers must have sincere responsibility to make them. In that reason, I wish they could make good dramas which can show far-sighted stream of the history and inside view of a human being having correct understanding of the history. On the other hand, Historians as well as producers must recognize and accept this multimedia as good opportunity to describe history. It is because we cannot ignore explosive spread and educational influence historical dramas have. Therefore, mutual interchange and understanding between historians and producers must be necessary in the first phase of the project. These activities enable historical dramas to describe history in other ways not losing historical truth. Under new circumstance, the relationship between history and historical drama must be set up. We cannot think of it as just a drama having a preconception, nor do we point out whether it′s true or not. An intense debate on the historical drama must be reviewed not that it cannot be history because of having dramatic factors, but that it can be used as describing history. In addition to this, we can use multimedia to study history. History using multimedia as well as history using books can enable people to understand the past of history more substantially and affluently because each one can have different possibility in describing history. Through positive efforts, both historians and producers can let people have correct understanding of history. Finally, those kinds of activities can lead to positive society where people can understand current issue without prejudice.


Ⅰ. 역사 드라마의 변천과 논의 고찰

Ⅱ. 사례로 본 역사 드라마의 사회적 역할

Ⅲ. 새로운 역사서술로서의 역사 드라마

