최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

朝鮮後期 官營紙所의 變化

The Change of the Government Paper Manufactory in late Chosun period

  • 41

The Government Paper Manufactory directly produced paper with paper artisans enrolled to the government. It was divided into Jogiseo to meet the palace s and the government s needs for a variety of paper items, and the local manufactory led by each province. It should be noticed that such changes as decline or dissolution of the Government Paper Manufactory in complete charge of production and supply of the goods for the royal family and the government as well as local manufactories were inevitably related with the changes in the system of tax collection. By the terms of new enactment, known as Daedongbup(Uniform Land-Tax Law), the tribute goods produced and supplied by local offices came to be procured and handled through agents known as Gigeongae Gongin. It could more or less relieve the burden of local offices to supply tribute goods. It is said that the reason to abolish the local manufactories was obviously attributed to the changes in the system of tax collection following enactment of Daedongbup. Meanwhile, the Paper Manufactory couldn t produce regularly due to the poor facilities by the worse government finances since two wars had occurred in Imjin and Byungja years. The main reason of such a long delay to normalization was caused by difficulties in securing paper artisans. For the short manpower, the Manufactory made the monks belonging to local temples come up to the capital and produce paper. But the frequent obligation for the national service and hard work pushed the monks out of the temples to run away. Since Daedongbup was enacted, the production and supply system under auspices of the local manufactories came to be changed into the proxy tribute system handled by tribute men, which didn t need local manufactories anymore. But the discontinuance in paper production by local manufactories decreased the production quantity much to cause the shortage of paper and an increase in paper cost. With the closure of local manufactories, although the paper demand by the government was not decreased, there were difficulties in the demand and supply system, which resulted in temple manufactories. It is evident that these temple manufactories in late Chosun were followed after the closure of the Government Paper Manufactory and it was in a transition stage to go into the private handicraft system to be flowered.


Ⅰ. 造紙署 運營 實態

Ⅱ. 地方紙所의 運營 實態

