최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

멕시코 디아스정권 초기 철도정책 연구

The Railroad Policy in Diaz Government, Mexico

  • 16

This study Examines the railroad policy of the Diaz Government and The process of the Diaz government power consolidation. Diaz and his supporters, the railroads constituted the key to the nation s future. Diaz argued that construction of railroads in Mexico would serve three main purposes. First, railroads would allow the nation to develop its rich natural resources, Secondly the railroads would stimulate Mexico s internal commerce, industry. Finally railroads would cement Mexican Unity by allowing the control governments to consolidate its political and economic power over the nation. But since the railroads favored those with capital and power, they exacerbated the economic inequalities of Mexican Society.


Ⅰ. 디아스정권 이전 현황

Ⅱ. 멕시코 철도 건설과 미국 자본

Ⅲ. 디아스정권과 철도정책

