최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

고려 충목왕대 정치세력의 성격

Character of Political Power at the Reign of King, Choongmok, Koryo Dynasty

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As a political reform organization at the Reign of King, Choongmok, Koryo Dynasty, Jeongchidogam(整治都監) was established. The establishment of this Jeongchidogam(整治都監) was ordered by the emperor of Weon(元), at the 3rd year of the Reign of King, Choongmok, and its aim was for exploring and governing the illegal land possession of pro-Weon power. Thus the subject of exploration and governance was pro-Weon power, so reform action supported by Weon had a limit of being resisted by pro-Weon and checked by Weon. But the political, social and economic aspect in the latter-term of Koryo Dynasty can be more understood, so it is well-known that its significance has early been noted. Accordingly, the character of political power at the Reign of King, Choongmok can be grasped dividing to after and before the establishment of Jeongchidogam(整治都監), and some common dispositions focused on the political walks of those acting as the Jeongchi Officers(整治官) of Jeongchidogam(整治都監) are su,,ed up as follows. First, the method of getting into public office. That is, most people known from their records of their doings during their lifetime rose in the world through state official examination. That they advanced to the official world through state official examination shows that they were based on Confucian knowledge. Confucianism in this time, study of human nature by Jooja(朱子 性理學) means that it has the same scholastic background as it was accepted by Anhyang at the 16th year of King, Choongryul, handed through Kweon, Boo(權溥), Baek, Ie-jeong(白頤正), Woo, Tak(禹倬), Lee, Je-hyun(李齊賢). So the thought of the Jeongchi Officers(整治官) leading then reform were formed on Confucianism. This confucian knowledge of theirs becomes the foundation that their political reform could be very moral and equal. Second, disposition by their family can be found. That is, their families wherefrom they came are broken down to two sorts of influential families and poor ones, then those coming from the former families were four persons appointed as ministers, Wang, Hoo(王煦) of Andong Gweons (安東權氏), Kim, Young-don(金永旽) of Andong Kims(安東金氏), Kim, Gwang-cheon(金光轍) of Gwangsan Kims, and those from the latter came from the families distant from influential ones. An, Chook(安軸), Lee, Weon-gu(李元具), Ha Jip(河輯) from local officials passed the state official examination from time to time, and An, Chook(安軸) passed even the state official examination of Weon. Third, they has the same political view points as being connected as masters and pupils, or peers. This fact acts as a factor to reinforce their bonding forces, and forms a political power and takes on a social reform disposition. That is, it is found that the reform power in the latter term of Koryo Dynasty was linked with their academic and connection of masters and pupils after An, Hyang s acceptance of Confucianism. Fourth, those 4 ministers of Jeongchi Officers(整治官) passed away at the period of the 4th year of King, Choongmok s reign and the enthronement of King, Choongjeon, but most clerks came to participated at the reform politics of King, Gongmin. Those ministers belonged to then influential families, while those clerks were from then poor and obscure ones, which is noticeable phenomena. In particular, it is much so considering that the sons of those Jeongchi Officers(整治官) participated at reform politics of King, Gongmin. That is, their birth and scholarship background were found to concentrate them as the main motoring power of reform politics of King, Gongmin. This fact is thought to be closely linked with their forefathers promotion of reform politics to pro-Weon power as the Jeongchi Officers(整治官) of King, Choongmok. Since the repulsion to the power related to Weon was naturally connected to the anti-Weon reform politics of King Gongmin, and grounded on the reflection of their reform will in the reality.


Ⅰ. 충목왕 즉위초의 인사

Ⅱ. 정치도감 설치 후의 인사

Ⅲ. 충목왕대 정치세력의 성격

