최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

안재홍의 경제균등의 정책안

The Plan of economical equality in An Jae Hong

  • 12

After the 8․15 liberation, An Jae Hong advocated Neo-nationalism for constructing new nation in his main idea. ‘New-nationalism’ understood as neo-democracy, was comprehensively main word in An Jae Hong s political thought and its original meaning was derived from united nation-state as an ultra-class state. Neo-democracy that was premise word and synonym for neo-nationalism, had the intent of denying old democracy(bourgeois democracy and proletarian democracy) in Europe. An Jae Hong building nation-state in his purpose tried to solve the class conflict in all and focused on setting up an ultra-class state. It was a democracy nation that could realize the equality of economy, politics and education(culture) based on economical distribution. The building nation-state of An Jae Hong was the right proposal to embody the equality in economy, politics and education. As neo-nationalism understood the economical equality as the main element in the nation of neo-democracy, as much the economical problem took seriously its point in his advocating the theory of building nation-state. His supporting economic policy had its characteristic of reflecting the benefit on the middle class(small and medium size landholder and capitalist). This thesis tries to make clear his public symbiotics of nation image working specifically on the new nation in his building nation-state and about what his intended nation was. Here are described the problem of economic regime and forms of enterprise and worker s participation in management in order to explain An Jae Hong s political plan of economic equality. With this point of view this thesis studied agriculture with the method of industrial development and the policy for the farmers and workers examining the financial currency policy with other economic strategy.


Ⅰ. 경제체제와 기업형태의 문제

Ⅱ. 산업개발

Ⅲ. 농민․노동자 정책

Ⅳ. 기타 경제정책

