This thesis intends to examine the historical significance of Magoksa s missionary work(布敎敎育) based on existing researches on modern Korean Buddhism. After Japan toppled down Chosun dynasty, they constituted and enforced Sachallung(寺刹令) and replaced traditional Buddhist system with modern administrative organization as Bonmalsa system(main-branch temple system; 本末寺). This reformation aimed to surveil and control all Buddhist temples through dividing them into 30 main temples(本山). In this circumstance, Korean Buddhism had to accept Japan s reformation but tried to keep their own autonomy. Magoksa was established after the Unification of the Three Nations and had prosperity in the late Chosun dynasty. Magoksa had a special value to King Jengjo (正祖), so this temple was able to avoid the influence of Chosun s Buddhism-Oppression Policy and to retain its position as temple(寺格). This position as temple was going to become one of the 16 Jungbubsan(中法山) and afterward one of the 30 main temples in Japanese period. In 1918, Magoksa established a branch of temple for missionary work but the result of the missionary work wasn t successful. The reason of failure stemmed not from the outside but from the inside. Magoksa had the largest number of branch temples(末寺), so it become the object of power struggle. In this account, there were many unjust practices and corruption around Magoksa. This internal confusion was the primary reason why missionary work wasn t able to obtain excellent results. Despite that, Magoksa began to concentrate on social activities and to participate eagerly in mission work. After that, AnHangDuck(安香德) who was a moderate Sun monk disentangled the internal chaos. It extended the range of missionary work from near Gongju(公州) to Naepo(內浦) and Chollabukdo(全羅北道) and also established the oversea branch temple in Bokganghyun(福岡縣), Japan. In addition to these activities, in 1935, SongManGong(宋滿空) became the head of Magoksa and then the popularity of this temple grew more and more because he was one of the most famous monks and his inclination to Sun Buddhism(禪風) was an advantage to provoke missionary education for popular mass. Magoksa appointed monks who studied and were disciplined in traditional seminar system as missionary teacher for ordinary people. Then the social role of Magoksa grew more and more. Their efforts that restored and handed down the traditional seminar had and important and serious significance.
Ⅰ. 麻谷寺의 창건과 寺格의 변화
Ⅱ. 일제강점기 麻谷寺의 포교활동과 그 변화