최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

한말 야학운동의 기능과 성격

The function and character of Night-school(야학운동) movement durning the late of Korean Empire age

  • 25

The function of Night-school movement is very multifarious, and the educational function was an elementary educational institution. A name of Night-school and a curriculum and teachers organization was very similar to the elementary educational institution. The education period was an intensive training curriculum for one or two years. Night-school was recognized an evening school. Next was a social educational function. A concern at the modern education and a sense of the crisis about a colonialization were connected with a high pitch of eagerness for education. Night-school of labor․night-institute of korean language came to be much in fashion. Also an emphasis on the Korean alphabet education and the publication of Korean newspaper․magazine is not unrelated to this. Night-school, teaching linguistics and mathematics, belongs to this category too. Finally Night-school was the place and medium which created and produced the popular culture. The athletic meeting․lecture meeting․debate were the spot where was felt keenly a new change. On the other hand, Night-school put special stress on Japanese education had many problems. Most of night-school seemed to be jumping on the Japanese aggressive bandwagon. This kind of Night-school was to look after one s own interests. On this account, there are want of concerns about night-school and some negative evaluation.


Ⅱ. 교육적인 기능

Ⅲ. 문화적인 기능

Ⅳ. 설립이념과 성격

