Ethic purposes, desire for Sunghyunjasung and secondary pursuits-these three could be understood as his goals of education. As basic curriculums Hyokeoung, Shohak and Four Main Archieves-Taehak, Chungyong, Lonner, Maengja-were emphasizes. Shimkeoung and Kunsarok were chosen to be read during/after studying those six books. Then study of Okeoung was emphasized. Next Sungridaejunn, Zhujadaejun, Zhusujulyo, Zhuye, Seomyeong were recommended. As historical articles Saryak and Tongkam might be recommended too. In terms of methodology, Chasunglipji(any who wants to be a saint should always make an effort to become a saint by himself by establishing one`s purpose in the study of confucianism) Kungrishimteuk(emphersizing of deep thinking and meditation in studying the way of li), Shikeoungwiju(emphasizing of studying and understanding of Shikyeoung), Chihangkyuemjun(emphasizing of correspondence between one`s knowledge and behavior) were emphasized. His influences of teachings and great spirit can be understood when we survey his pupils and their achievements. In his 310 pupils ; ․ 37s were honored by Royal Majesty after each death. ․10s were promotes to prime Minister of Chosun Dynasty. ․4s fought as partisan leaders during Korean-Japanese War 1592~1599 ․11s were promotes to President of Hongmunkwan. ․80s played key roles in local self-government as Hyang Sa, Korean social elites who were admired by locals with their knowledge and wisdom in confucianism) Lee Hwang`s Influences were all over his country and society. Moreover his teachings were succeeded by Realistic Schools in late Chosun Confucian Pragmatism. His teaching not only influenced his country but also neighboring countries. Japan was influenced by him after Korean-Japanese War, Yangke Cho and Wi Won Hong-Leaders of revolutionary modernization movement in 19c China-were touched by Lee too. Lee`1s Confucianism was succeeded by schools of Kim Sung Il and Lee`s thoughts of social reformation were succeeded by schools of Ryu Sung Yong & Jung Gu. Lee`s teaching of education should deeply be studied to find out causes of modern crisis and his thoughts can be used for guidance of our educational reformation. So continuous and firm supports of government are strongly demanded.
Ⅰ. 敎育目的論
Ⅱ. 敎育課程 및 敎育方法論
Ⅲ. 당대 및 후대에 미친 영향