최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

조선초 遷都 논의와 정국 동향

Debate about new capital and the political situation in the early Joseon dynasty

  • 20

After founding Joseon, an important outstanding question was to decide the new capital. To construct the new capital was necessary to renovate an appearance and benevolence of new nation. Through the process of debate about moving to Hanyang in Taejo period, it was worthy of notice that the political people, different from the another foundation power, grew with Ha Ryun in the center, then strengthened the political location. But the political people try to solve their adverse situation relative to combine Lee Bang-won because their activity wasn’t fastidious, and having a connection with Lee Bang-won who was estrange politically was accomplished naturally in such this situation. The First Prince Rebellion on august, 1398 brought the replacement of the political power. Jeong Do-jeon․Nam Eun ware purged, then Taejo bequeathed the throne to Jeongjong and withdrew. But Lee Bang-won had the real power, Jeongjong was powerless. So Jeongjong tried to leave KyungBok palace and to seek the political repose. Gaeseong is decide to be suitable for his refuge. This was advanced very easily as compared with the moving to Hanyang. Taejong, ascended the throne through the Second Prince Rebellion, sought to find the tradition about succession to the throne from Taejo. This meaned that he inherited from Taejo’s policy. While the removing to Hanyang was carried out at Taejong 5th years(1405). After that Taejong came to drive forward strengthening of the royal authority with self-assurance.


Ⅰ. 태조의 즉위와 한양 천도

Ⅱ. 왕자의 난과 개성 환도

Ⅲ. 태종대 한양 재천도와 왕권강화

