Rock art is picture that people pick, draw and sharpen on the rocks making use of metal or rocks. Among the works (of art) prehistoric men bequeathed, rock art particularly enables people to inquire into the mental side in culture, as well as material one like hunting and fishing. For the studymethod of such rock art remains, it s necessary that we take a broad view different from now. And we should try other methods, for example, scientific system - 3D photographing for precise analysis. In addition to, It s important to co-study with allied learning. We need a connection with various learning : archeology, folklore, art history, anthropology, mythology, oceanography, ecology. In this aspect, I think that communications among variety field scholars is going to be big deal for the study in future.
Ⅰ. 암각화 유적과 주변 자연환경에 대한 이해
Ⅱ. 암각화 유적에 대한 이해
Ⅲ. 암각화 유적과 인접한 고고학 유적지와 관련성 검토