To take a close look at the Balhae history based on the succession to the thrones, it can be divided into 4 parts, that is, one for the first kingdom of Gowang(高王), the fourth kingdom of Pyewang Daewonui (廢王 大元義), the fifth kingdom from Gangwang(康王) to Ganwang, and the last kingdom from 10th Seonwang(宣王) who was sone of the fourth generation of Dae Ya-bal(大野勃), king’s brother to 15th Malwang(末王) which was the Royal line of Dae Ya-bal or Dae In-su(大 仁秀). And Gugin(國人) was considered influential power according to the interpretation of Gugin. The understanding of the Gugin was intended to be associated with Ganwang. And Shilla and Japan through Kraskino Castle were investigated, focusing on the Donggyeong(東京) area since Munwang(文王). Recently the tomb of the queen of Ganwang was excavated in China, which was not made public, but it is certain that the results of the excavation reassured the status of Ganwang. What’s more, the phrase meaning ‘Queen’ on the inscription indicated that Balhae was the sovereignty that could make an epoch of the study of Balhae history. Based upon this face, it was associated with the Royal succession during the period of the ninth Ganwang. Although the king passed away since the accession in 818, the word ‘an early death(早 死)’ was written in the literature. In spite of his short rule, it is shown that his succession was the hightes point of the Balhae’s succession to the throne between previous Gowang, Kingdom of Munwang, and next Seonwang. Upon emphasizing the fact that the excavated site was not Yukjeongsan(六頂 山) but Yongdusan(龍頭山), the status of the Donggyeong area that was focused since Moonwang. Particularly the fact that it was in the vicinity of the tomb of Princess Jeonghyo(貞孝公主), the daughter of Munwang provides a clue indicating the line between Queen of the Ganwang and Princess Jeonghyo. In the future, we hope that the lost connection of the succession of Royal line of Balhae kingdom can be traced down upon the publicization of the Queen of Ganwang.
Ⅰ. 발해 왕위 계승의 연구 추이와 간왕
Ⅱ. 신라도, 일본도, 크라스키노 성
Ⅲ. 간왕계 왕위계승의 의미