A society need the various precondition to arrive at the phase of state. This paper examined the archeological, anthropological and the socio-economical precondition of Koguryo’s state formation. In the Korean Peninsula and Chinese northeast region, there were various kinds of dolmen. This paper paid attention about the leader of the manpower organization to make dolmen. The many labor power was needed for building dolmen. The organization and power that appeared from the process which mobilized labor powers, changed to the military organization. In order to demonstrate that Koguryo’s original territory and residents not to belonging to China, this paper examined about Old Chosun and Late Chosun before Koguryo times. Old Chosun and Late Chosun were the independent nation which had the king, the bureaucracy organization, the military organization and the sovereignty. Finally, this paper studied Koguryo’s origin, resident’ structure and territory as preconditions of Koguryo’s state formation. Koguryo constructed many castle to protect China’s invasion. She possessed her own independent territory and military power. Koguryo was the same race with Samhan. Because their language, clothing, food and custom were same. Koguryo, Bakje and Silla were the nations which were composed of the same race. The Korea of today is the nation which was composed of the descendants of these three kingdom. Therefore Koguryo’s history belongings to korean history.
Ⅰ. 고구려 국가형성의 고고인류학적․사회경제적 전제조건
Ⅱ. 고구려귀속확정의 전제로서 고조선의 귀속문제
Ⅲ. 국가형성의 전제로서 고구려의 기원, 주민구성 그리고 독립된 영토